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The saddest time of the year for any chile gardener.

The saddest time of the year for any chile gardener. Venit Hiems.

This week marked the official end for my growing season, so the peppers needed to be picked whether they were ready or not.

Usually harvest time is the happiest of days for a pepper grower.  Months and months of hard work and patience finally pays off.  The final harvest, however is always bittersweet.  Despite my conflicting emotions, it was time to get picking.  I donned my trusty headlamp and harvested fiery chiles all night before the autumn frost closed the chapter on this year’s growing season.

Ripe tasty peppers in the background.  Green underachievers up front.

Ripe tasty peppers in the background. Green underachievers up front.

The good news is that I should be posting several recipes in the coming weeks that feature my prized peps.  The first of which is a super tasty and simple hot sauce that I’ve adapted from Clifford A. Wright’s Some Like it Hot (Spicy Favorites from the World’s Hot Zones)I highly recommend this book as a great resource for piquant favorites from around the world.  The rather large book is not only educational but inspirational and chock full of spicy info and rarely discussed recipes.  Originally named “Cliff’s Orange Devil Sauce”, this Peppermeister version turns the heat up to 11 with the addition of a Bhut Jolokia Chile, a.k.a the ghost pepper.  It also answers the question: What can I do with all these habaneros?

IMG_20131026_141608Peppermeister’s Roasted Habanero Hot Sauce


  • 30-35 Habanero Peppers
  • 1 Ghost Pepper (or any superhot chile)
  • 10 garlic cloves (unpeeled)
  • 10 Tablespoons apple cider vinegar
  • 1 Tablespoon Agave Syrup (or 1 tsp sugar, if you’re not a hipster)
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper


  • Preheat oven to 450 degrees
  • Place chiles and garlic on roasting pan and roast for about 15 minutes
  • Enjoy the amazing smell of your kitchen while these chiles and garlic cool completely
  • Remove peels from garlic and stems from peppers
  • Throw everything aggressively into a blender with seasoning and puree to perfection
  • Add filtered water to achieve a thinner sauce
  • Pour mixture into jars and refrigerate
  • Enjoy this sauce on anything.

When you’re done making this super easy, super tasty hot sauce, check out these Sausage and Feta Stuffed Peppers from A Fork in Each Hand.